姓 名:李冬明
性 别:男
职 称:副教授
学 历:博士研究生
学 位:PhD
邮 箱:domili@whut.edu.cn
2004.09-2008.06 湖北工业大学 学士
2008.09-2011.04 上海大学 硕士
2012.09-2015.08 香港城市大学 PhD
2011.10-2012.04 香港城市大学 Research Assistant
2012.09-2015.08 香港城市大学 Teaching Assistant
2018.09-2020.08 英国卡迪夫大学 Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Fellow
2015.11至今 武汉理工大学 副教授,硕导(土建学院、物力学院、数统学院、海南研究院、襄阳示范区)
(2)EU Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND fellowship,主持,已结题
主要从事新材料和新结构的力学理论、实验和数值研究;先后主持或参与各级纵向课题17项、横向课题6项;在CMAME、IJNME、EFM、中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学等国内外主流学术期刊发表论文40余篇,其中1篇ESI热点论文,2篇ESI高被引论文,论文总被引1000余次,多篇论文单篇SCI引用超过100次;主编出版英文著作一部,已授权发明专利6项,受理发明专利5项,授权实用新型专利1项,登记软件著作权6项;相关研究成果获得CMMM 2023 Best Presentation Award、湖北省优秀科技论文(2021-2023)、Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Best Paper Award 2018和上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)奖等奖励;受邀担任ICCES 2024 Symposia Chair、Session Chair,ICSUST 2024 Session Chair,CMMM 2023 Keynote,中国计算力学大会2023分会场邀请报告、分会场主持人,SMPM 2022分会场主持人;受邀担任美国数学会Mathematical Reviews评论员;受邀担任英文期刊Sustainable Structures 和Journal of Intelligent Construction青年编委;受邀担任Buildings两期Guest Editor和40多本主流学术期刊审稿专家。
1.Li D.M., Liu Jia-Hui(硕士生), Nie Feng-Hua(硕士生), Featherston C.A., Wu Z*. On tracking arbitrary crack path with complex variable meshless methods. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022, 399, 115402.
2.Li D.M., Featherston C.A., Wu Z*. An element-free study of variable stiffness composite plates with cutouts for enhanced buckling and post-buckling performance. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 371, 113314.
3.Li D.M.*, Kong Ling-Hao(硕士生), Liu Jia-Hui(硕士生). A generalized decoupling numerical framework for polymeric gels and its element-free implementation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2020, 121(12):2701-2726.
4.Pan Jin-Hu(硕士生), Li D.M.*, Cai Shuo(硕士生), Luo Xu-Bao(硕士生). A pure complex variable enrichment method for modeling progressive fracture of orthotropic functionally gradient materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023, 277, 108984.
5.Wang Fei(硕士生), Li D.M.*, Yang Yi-Ru(本科生), Wu Z. Progressive compaction of soft cellular structures with layer-wisely designed gradient porosity. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 185, 110634.
6.Li D.M.*, Kong Ling-Hao(硕士生), Qian Yi-cheng(本科生). On compacting pattern control of finite-size 2D soft periodic structures through combined loading. Engineering Structures, 2022, 266, 114574.
7.Pan Jin-Hu(硕士生), Li D.M.*, Luo Xu-Bao(硕士生), Zhu Wei(本科生). An enriched improved complex variable element-free Galerkin method for efficient fracture analysis of orthotropic materials. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2022, 121, 103488.
8.Luo Xu-Bao(硕士生), Li D.M.*, Liu Chen-Lin(硕士生), Pan Jin-Hu(硕士生). Buckling analysis of variable stiffness composite plates with elliptical cutouts using an efficient RPIM based on naturally stabilized nodal integration scheme. Composite structures, 2022, 302, 116243.
9.Liu Chen-Lin(硕士生), Li D.M.*, Cheng Xin(本科生). Enhancing delamination resistance with in-plane stiffness tailoring: a numerical study of variable stiffness composites. Composite structures, 2023, 311, 116817.
10.Cai Shuo(硕士生), Li D.M.*, Xie Jia-xuan(硕士生). A Complex Variable EFG method for hyperelastic large deformation analysis under non-conservative loads. Applied mathematical modelling, 2023, 113, 596-612.